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Learn Persian online

Persian language online with LinGo Play

Master, play and learn Persian language online for free with LinGo Play. LinGo Play encourages learners excited about learning Persian online quickly and efficiently. One of the most significant hurdles met when learning and memorising Persian words and phrases online. Fundamental lessons provide you with knowledge about nouns, adjectives, adverbs, pronouns and phrases. LinGo Play will open you to thousands of different words and phrases for every day, real-life circumstances and give you the chance to learn and practice online using the interactive activities, empowering you to develop your vocabulary. It doesn't matter if you’re a novice or a seasoned learner of Persian, LinGo Play offers online learningpossibilities for every level.

Persian language online with LinGo Play
Learning Persian online

Learn Persian online for free

Learning Persian online

Though LinGo Play, we have produced a powerful approach to learn Persian online for free using simple learning techniques. The best method to begin the learning process is memorising Persian phrases and words used in daily life. If you cannot spare time for regular Persian classes from your hectic schedule, online Persian language learning lessons and courses are a blessing for you. After all, what can be better than learning while you're relaxing in your bedroom?

The LinGo Play web app is a version of the mobile application that can help you learn Persian online. In the web version of LinGo Play, you can play duel games where the quickest and sharpest player triumphs. You also have the choice to take basic Persian lessons online. You can get complete access to the Persian language course online in the mobile version of the application, which can be download from Google Play or the Apple Store.

Learn Persian language online with LinGo Play

Persian learning app LinGo Play

Play online

Invite your friends and have fun as you learn Persian online together


Participate in tournaments with other players around the world

Rating + prizes

Participate in rating competitions online and win prizes

Learn lessons

You will discover thousands of new words and phrases in Persian language


Keep your Persian vocabulary updated

Learn lessons online

Complete your Lingo course and get your certificate in Persian language online

Available on Apple Store or Google Play

Learn Persian online with LinGo Play. Try it!

Start FREE Lessons, Learn Persian Online Now!

Learn Persian language online

Learning an interesting language such as Persian is a beautiful experience, and each stage brings with it unique learning. The higher your motivation to learn Persian, the easier it will be to learn the language. The Persian learning app LinGo Play keeps you motivated no matter what. Try the language learning app and enjoy learning Persian online while you have lots of fun.

The primary goal of the LinGo Play Persian language learning app to make learning foreign languages such as Persian language experience of a lifetime. The app leverages online game and an interactive user-interface to make the app fun. As a learner, you will get a chance to open your doors to new topics. Leaderboards in the app motivate students to compete against each other and win rewards.

Self-motivation and self-confidence are two leading reasons why many learners achieve easy success while learning a foreign language such as Persian. LinGo Play is a blessing for language learners. There can be no better way to learn languages than using full immersion. The gamification will keep you glued to the language learning app and ensure you learn Persian language faster. You can also monitor your progress and see how far you've come in the journey towards learning Persian online. The language learning course graded each lesson and displayed the number of mistakes and points you earn in each experience or game.

The Persian learning app LinGo Play is engaging, interactive, and entertaining. Producers of the online game have also added a little competitive twist to keep you motivated. Through the LinGo Play app, you canlearn Persian language online with fellow learners sitting in different corners of the world. Who likes to begin learning a language by memorising the grammar rules? The LinGo app ensures that you start the learning Persian language online by playing exciting games.

Learn and play online with LinGo worldwide

  • Learn Persian language onlineLearn Persian language online for free
  • Play Persian onlineMemorise Persian words and phrases online with millions of other players around the world
  • Practice Persian onlinePractice and get yourcertificate in Persian online
Learn Persian language online; Practice and get yourcertificate in Persian online
Available on Apple Store or Google Play

Persian language online with LinGo Play. Try it!

Learn Persian lessons online - Persian words and phrases online

Online Persian language learning app

Persian learning app LinGo Play is an interesting and effective online vocabulary trainer to learn Persian words online as well as flashcards and phrases. through flashcards and online multiplayer games. Download the Persian learning app LinGo Play and try it!

The LinGo online Persian lessons and courses includes the following topics: Education, Business, People, Home, Nature, Animals, Science, Sports and Tourism, Art, Food, Appliances, Furniture, Beauty and Health, Medicine, as well as many other topics...

Learn the Persian language through LinGo's many features:
‣ 5172 flashcards, 4141 words, 373 phrases;
‣ 600+ Persian lessons;
‣ 16 exercises;
Online Persian lessons for beginners;
‣ Advanced content for linguists and native speakers;
‣ Tests, and grades;
‣ Single player;
‣ Online multiplayer;
‣ Tournaments;
‣ Certificate in Persian

You will discover thousands of bright flashcards, learn Persian words and phrases online, will be capable of easily memorising them, and will always be able to keep your Persian vocabulary updated regardless of whether you have just started learning Persian or are a native speaker. If you are searching for the best Persian language learning app, you should definitely try the LinGo language learning app!

To succeed in studying the Persian language online, you need to use the materials studied as efficiently as possible. LinGo has only the most necessary things tolearn Persian phrases and words online as quickly as possible and reinforce the studied material. The more often you revise, the better you will know and be able learn to speak Persian fluently. If you already know and speak Persian well, you will have an even greater time guessing and learning Persian words online and memorising them with millions of users around the world.

The LinGo Persian learning app can easily help you to brush up your knowledge of the Persian language. Discover how to learn the Persian language quickly and effectively in only 10-15 minutes per day. You will improve your Persian vocabulary with confidence and maintain the required level for long period of time. Use the application in any place and time of your convenience: at home, on the road, during breaks at work, in the morning, or before going to bed.

The best feature of the LinGo Persian language learning app is that the words and phrases you will learn are very helpful for beginners who may already be around Persian speakers and need to learn Persian words in context quickly. Learn Persian flashcards, words and phrases online within the app and improve your Persian vocabulary in just 5 to 10 minutes per day.

The exercises that are a part of the LinGo vocabulary trainer app are divided based on topics. Using the LinGo Play app, you can test your grammar and vocabulary skills. The regular online tournaments provide you with a wonderful opportunity to apply newly learnt words against fellow learners from different parts of the world.

The primary goal of the LinGo Play Persian language learning app is to make online foreign language learning an incredible experience. The app uses gamification to keep the players engaged and motivated. Once you begin the learning process, you'll come across a plethora of upgrades and power-ups by finishing lessons. Leaderboards allow students to compete against each other and win rewards. The gamification and interactive user-interface ensure that you stay motivated and entertained. You cannot view the language learning course material unless it is unlocked. You can also track your progress from time to time, and find out your strengths and weaknesses. The program is designed in a way that it grades each lesson and displays the number of mistakes you make.

The incredible thing about the LinGo language learning app is that it concentrates on a broad spectrum of phrases and words used in your daily routine. If you are struggling to learn Persian language quickly and become proficient in the language, there's no better solution for you than the LinGofree Persian lessons online: flashcards, words, phrases. So, what are you waiting for? Download the free LinGo Play Persian language learning app for your iOS or Android today and get started.